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Timofey Mozgov made his season debut for Khimki
Khimki defeated Enisey Krasnoyarsk at home in the VTB United League championship – 89:83 (23:21, 25:20, 22:23, 19:19). One of the main events of this match was the long-awaited return to the court of Timofey Mozgov. The 34-year-old center left the bench in the first quarter of the game. For...
Will Thomas – at the top 5 of the Week
Zenit player Will Thomas entered the top five by the results of the VTB United League Championship week. In the match with CSKA, he scored 18 points, made 8 rebounds and 3 steals. Also in the top five were Anton Astapkovich and Ivan Strebkov (Nizhny Novgorod), Will Cummings and Nigel...
Shevchuk is the hero of the game again
The youth team of Zenit – Zenit-m confidently defeated the Moscow Region Khimki in the regular championship match of the youth VTB United League. One of the main characters of the game was Konstantin Shevchuk, who scored 21 points and made six rebounds and six assists. The final score of...
Shevchuk is in the symbolic five of the month
The VTB United Youth League has determined the symbolic five of the month, which included the Zenit-M player Konstantin Shevchuk. He did have a great start to the season, averaging 16.5 points per game, 4.7 rebounds and 4.1 assists. In addition to Shevchuk, the top five in October included Loko-2...
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