Monthly Archives: June 2016

Mozgov, Karasev and Antonov were invited to Russain national team
3 сlients of ProTeam Agency were invited to Russain national team. Timofey Mozgov, Sergey Karasev and Semen Antonov will join to “Sbornaya” on July 18. Russian national team will start to prepare to EuroBasket 2017 qualification. “Open training camp RFB” will start on July 4. Denis Zakharov, Andrey Desyatnikov, Anton...
ProTeam Camp started in Kislovodsk
Traditional ProTeam Camp moved form St Petersburg to Kislovodsk. The first change of the training camp will pass from Juny 5 to Juny 19 in famous Upper Olympic base. In the first change there are many young clients of ProTeam Agency. They will work on individual skills. Maxim Sharafan form...